Life is a journey.  As we travel along the road, discovering life, we realise that there is no roadmap for life; just a moment by moment, discovery of self.  Discovering who we are and more excitingly who we want to be, or become.

Shadow work is a concept in spiritual growth that involves exploring and integrating the unconscious aspects of oneself, often referred to as the “shadow.” This process involves bringing hidden or repressed aspects to light, such as unresolved traumas, fears, desires, and emotions. By acknowledging and confronting these parts of ourselves, we can achieve greater self-awareness and emotional healing. Shadow work helps individuals uncover the root causes of their behaviors, patterns, and reactions, enabling them to transform negative or limiting aspects into positive growth. Engaging in shadow work can lead to a more authentic and balanced self, fostering deeper connections with oneself and others. This practice, rooted in the theories of Carl Jung, emphasizes the importance of accepting and integrating all parts of the psyche to achieve psychological wholeness and personal empowerment.

Limiting Beliefs cause self sabotage. Everything in this world is neutral, you give it meaning.  You see the world, not as it is…but as YOU ARE!! This is what gives you an identity and defines who you are.  All your thoughts and emotions originate from what you believe. By changing your limiting beliefs, you are creating a new chemical coding in your body, & will perceive yourself differently.

A Negative Emotion is caused by a distressing memory that disrupts the flow of the body’s energy system. Emotions are the fuel that create our reality.  E-motion is just the way it sounds i.e. “energy in motion”.  Emotions override thoughts as in an instant. Eg. If you have a positive thought, and you also have a destructive emotion, it will override the positive thought instantly.

Soul fragments may be the reason we still think of someone for years after leaving them and cannot make a healthy break from the memories.  For example, if you continually think about an ex-husband, there may be a reason for it.  You may still carry a soul fragment from that person. Soul Retrieval and unhealthy cord cutting will remove the link between you and that person.

DNA activation will help release unconscious patterns and clearing of genetic and family karmic patterns, all round health due to stronger immune system, increased energy and clarity and greater brain capacity and functioning. Further benefits are having a greater Spiritual Connection.

Past Life Regression is when you travel back into a past life. When a client returns to a previous life, they usually get information that can improve their present life. Sometimes my clients uncover painful experiences and other times, they discover a happy memory. I also do a Soul Journey to access LBL memories.

Contact me for a 15 minute free discussion, to see how we can work together on your journey to discovering your Inner Light.