Belief Work is something that I do as a Spiritual Transformation Coach. I assist you to establish which limiting beliefs are causing the self-sabotage behaviour, and then with Theta Healing, change them to positive beliefs.

We perceive our world through our beliefs, which are filters that we perceive our life through.  Everything in this world is neutral, you give it meaning.  You see the world, not as it is…but as YOU ARE!!

This is the reference point of all our judgements.  This is what gives us an identity and defines who we are.  All our thoughts and emotions originate from what we believe.

By changing your beliefs, you are creating a new chemical coding in your body.  You are expanding the blueprint of yourself. 

Once the limiting belief is established, through digging, then an empowering and lasting belief can be installed into the sub-conscious mind.

Belief work is done using Theta Healing

Theta is the state of mind where you believe that you can create anything and change reality.

There are five main brain wave frequencies: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma, which are in constant motion.  The brain produces consistent waves at all frequencies.

Everything you do or say is regulated by the frequency of your brain waves. When we talk to others, for example, our mind is in Beta.  Beta waves have a frequency of 14-28 cycles per second.  In this state, you are active and alert.

In the Alpha state, your brain waves move at a frequency between 7-14 cycles per second, which is slower than the Beta brain wave frequency.  Alpha is a mental state of deep relaxation and meditation, and is the bridge between Beta and Theta. The alpha brain wave governs daydreams, fantasy, and signifies a state of consciousness, where you are detached and relaxed.

Whereas, Theta Brain Wave State is a state of very deep relaxation and is used in hypnosis and during REM sleep. The brain waves are slowed down to a frequency of 4-7 cycles per second.

When in the Theta State, it is as if you are in a very deep meditation, and achieve a state of absolute calm and perfect peace.  Theta brain waves are considered the subconscious; they govern the part of our mind that lies between the conscious and the unconscious and retain memories and feelings.  And, theta brain wave state also directs your beliefs and your behaviour.  I teach Theta Meditation in my Meditation-Made-Easy Workshop.

As a Theta Healer, I go into the Theta state and work in your sub-conscious mind, once we have established the limiting belief, and then I am able to delete the limiting belief and install an empowering one.

Belief Work for Personal Transformation

Move beyond surface healing and delve into the root for true, lasting transformation!

  • Overcome Subconscious Blocks: Identify and release deep-seated beliefs that hold you back.
  • Release Fears and Frustrations: Free yourself from the fears and frustrations that limit your potential.
  • Break Through Limitations: Shatter the barriers that prevent you from living your best life.
  • Download Positive Beliefs Instantly: Instill empowering beliefs to support your growth and success.
  • Download Positive Feelings: Experience an immediate shift to positive emotions and states of mind.

Transform your life from within with effective belief work!

I have powerful Online Workshops on my School of Enlightened Living Platform. Click HERE