
Introduction to “Lightwarrior Wisdom” by Beverley-Anne Bear

Life is a journey.  As we travel along the road, discovering life, we realize that there is no roadmap for life; just a moment by moment, discovery of self.  Discovering who we are and more excitingly who we want to be, or become.

This book has been written from my belief, which I believe Source, the Higher Power, Creator of all that is and who some people refer to as God, has shown me through many hours of searching, prayer and listening to my intuition.  I am sharing information with you that I have gathered on my personal journey, but what you do with this information is up to you, as you always have a choice.

In order to create abundance in your life, in every area, you need to connect to and merge with the source of all life.  To do that you must be prepared to let go of all limiting belief systems and open your mind.

An age-old parable talks about an old beggar who was sitting on a box at the side of the road.  When a stranger came walking past, the beggar asked the stranger for some spare cash.  The stranger replied that he had no money to give him.  Then the stranger asked the beggar what was inside the box that he was sitting on? 

The beggar replied that it was an old box that he had been sitting on for as long as he could remember and had never looked inside as it was surely empty.  The stranger encouraged him to open the box and to look inside, which the beggar duly did, only to find that the box was filled with gold.

All these years this beggar has been begging for money and eating scraps of food or any morsel that he could find, while if he had only looked inside, he would have realized that he was extremely wealthy.

You are like the beggar sitting on a box of gold, unknowingly, as you have never bothered to look inside.  Today I want to encourage you to look inside.  I want you to take a deeper look at who you really are, and what is on the inside of you.  Bear with me, as I take you on this journey of discovery!

To be continued…

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