For the past 20 years, I have practiced as a hypnotherapist specializing in Life Between Lives (LBL) Past Life Regression. Recently, I discovered Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), which I’ve found to be far more effective at guiding clients into a deep trance, specifically reaching the Theta brainwave state.

Hypnosis is a state of mind where your focus becomes so intensely directed toward an inner experience that your awareness of the surrounding environment begins to fade. We all naturally experience this state when deeply absorbed in a book, watching a movie, daydreaming, or even during routine tasks.

What to Expect in a QHHT Session.

Each Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session is as unique as the individual experiencing it. After a two-hour conversation about your life, many feel they’ve already gained valuable insights. But the real journey begins when you enter a theta state, exploring past lives and engaging with the subtle experience.

Some people go under completely, with their conscious mind silent, only learning about the session through recordings afterward. Others remain somewhat conscious, aware of the session’s progression. In some cases, the conscious mind needs to step back to allow the subconscious (or Higher Self) to take over, providing the sought-after information. The key is to relax and trust the process.

During the session, you’ll explore a past life, gaining insights that help you understand your current challenges. Afterward, your Higher Self joins the discussion, revealing purpose, lessons, and even personal messages. Any questions you have are answered, though some may be left unanswered to protect your free will.

Finally, we request healing from your Higher Self. Healing can be immediate or gradual, often continuing for three days after the session. Listening to your session recording during this period is important for reinforcing the healing process. Whether healing occurs or not can depend on belief or karmic reasons, but many clients experience profound changes. After two hours in trance, we conclude with a discussion about your experience, which is often life-changing.

I offer online courses on School of Enlightened Living. Click here